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Our state’s high school press association began in the offices of UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel. DTH editors invited high school newspaper editors to the first North Carolina Scholastic Press Institute in 1936. Our state association was then formed and became part of UNC’s journalism program in 1941. Professor Walter Spearman served as director for 30 years.

Today, NCSMA is housed in Carroll Hall, home of the UNC School of Media and Journalism. We offer an array of programs and services year round.

To mark our anniversary, we have established an unrestricted fund that will allow us to offer such things as travel grants and substitute teacher pay, ensuring better access to our workshops and events.

The link to give online is here:

To our donors so far, thank you for your support of journalism education!

Thanks to our donors:

William B. Allen

Mary K. Bates

Andrew R. Bechtel

Geoffrey E. Belcher

Pharen F. Bowman

Lois A. Boynton

Stephanie W. Brown

James W. Carras

Brandy Caton

Kirsten L. Chang

George W. Cloud

Janet D. Cooke

Linda Drake

Carol Eanes

Barbara Friedman

Kathryn R. Forde

David Gilmour
In honor of Adrienne Hollifield 

Monroe T. Gilmour
In honor of Adrienne Hollifield

Brenda Gorsuch

Calvin L. Hall

Stephen M. Hanf

Rhonda G. Hester

Adrienne L. Hollifield

Richard James
In honor of Adrienne Hollifield

Becky B. Johnson

Anne M. Johnston

Jonathan D. Jones

Angelena M. King

Susan R. King

Rachel L. Lillis

Thomas Linden

Rachel D. Mersey

Disa J. Perry

Jan M. Reid

Breeze N. Riley

Martha H. Rothwell

James K. Rumbaugh
In honor of Adrienne Hollifield

Ryan Schocket

Charles Small

Bradley Wilson

Kathi E. Wimmer

Kay H. Windsor

Kyle York

And special thanks to those who have donated $750 and more:

Richard R. Cole

Monica Hill

Kay Phillips

Howard and Juanita Spanogle

Jan Yopp